Multimedia/ Media Unit title 
Use of Photoshop in Representation of Movie Posters
Outcomes / Goals
By the end of this unit students should be able to use Photoshop to edit movie posters so that the movie looks like it was made in another genre.
  • Students produce their own movie poster
  • Students can use and explain tools/layers in Photoshop
  • Students can explain different representations in movie posters
Example Work
    Here is an example of possible student work. First there is the original Inception poster and then there is the new poster which is made up from images within the original and the tools which photoshop has.

      Curriculum Links
      VCE Media study design
      Year 11
      Unit 1 Area of study 2 – Technologies of Representation
      Key Knowledge
      ·         Techniques and processes used in the production of media representations
      ·          Implications of different media technologies and processes for the production, distribution, and/or consumption of media representations.
      Key Skills
      ·         Operate media technology and use materials, techniques, applications and processes to produce representations
      ·         Discuss how the use of different media technologies affects the production, distribution and/or consumption of media representations.


      6 x 50 minute lessons

      Prerequisite Skills

      Students Prior Knowledge

      ·         Students should be able to explain what representation is and how it can effect media perception from learning area 1.
      ·         No Photoshop skills are required going into this unit

      Teachers Content Knowledge

      ·         Moderate to advanced skills with Photoshop
      ·         High understanding of representation and the codes and conventions involved

      Teaching and Learning

      Lesson 1 – Introduction to Photoshop
      Length – 50 minutes

      Learning Goal
      Learning Tools
      Introduction to Photoshop, explaining to the students what Photoshop is used for and giving examples of how it can be used.
      Generate class discussion about the potential of Photoshop.

      (This includes the form, toolbar and different simple tools).

      Students should gain basic knowledge about Photoshop and they should be curious about using the program.
      ·         Projector
      ·         Photoshop
      ·         Computers/laptops
      Students will use Photoshop to complete a worksheet of beginner level tasks using a set image to manipulate. During this phase they will be encouraged to use the tutorial videos provided or research their own.

      Students should be able to complete beginner level tasks in Photoshop and explain how they did it
      ·         Photoshop
      ·         Computers/laptops
      ·         Tutorial Videos
      ·         Internet
      ·         Worksheet
      Reviewing the lesson and going over everything that was covered. Asking students questions about what was covered and gauging what the students had learnt.

      Reviewing the lesson should work to re-emphasis the work which was covered in the class

      Lesson 2 – Advancing Photoshop work
      Length 50 minutes

      Learning Goal
      Learning Tools
      Introduction to the class and reviewing what was covered in the previous lesson.

      Teacher will demonstrate more Photoshop skills advancing in difficulty.
      (This will include Layers, Layer Styles, Clipping Masks etc).

      Get student participation in each of the steps, having the students demonstrate the new tools for the rest of the class.

      Students should be able to explain some of the tools that were introduced as well as what they could be potentially used for in regards to design.
      ·         Projector
      ·         Photoshop
      ·         Computers/Laptops
      Students will follow online tutorials to work on a higher difficulty level in Photoshop, covering all of the tools that were used in the lesson up to that point.

      Students will learn how to use more difficult techniques in Photoshop and would be able to explain what situation they are best used for.
      ·         Photoshop
      ·         Computers/Laptops
      ·         Internet
      ·         Tutorial Videos

      Lesson 3 – Representation of Genre in Movie Posters, and Photoshop’s involvement
      Length – 50 minutes

      Learning Goals
      Learning Tools
      Review of the previous lesson and the Photoshop skills covered up until that point.

      Introduction of the project that the students would be working on; redesigning a movie poster using Photoshop so that it looks like it is another genre.

      ·         Projector
      ·         Computers/Laptops
      Demonstration of how a movie poster could be edited using Photoshop. This would be a simple demonstration which the students could base their designs off but wouldn’t be allowed to copy it.

      (For example turning the Inception movie poster into a movie that looks a romance/drama using only the parts of the original poster).

      Through watching the demonstration students should be able to explain how a movie poster can be edited using Photoshop.

      (What techniques and tools should/could be used and why)
      ·         Photoshop
      ·         Projector
      ·         Computers/Laptops
      ·         Movie poster image

      Students will research different genres of movie posters and must find at least six examples of posters from different genres.

      Through searching for different genres of movie posters students subconsciously know what they are looking for, for each genre. This will be
      ·         Projector
      ·         Computers/Laptops
      ·         Internet
      ·         Search Engines
      Class discussion about how different genres are represented in movie posters. What are the traits that make each movie poster appear of that genre.

      (For example what makes a horror movie poster look like a horror movie?)
      From the results that the students found students should be able to explain why they found a certain poster to be romance compared to sci-fi (for example) and what the codes and conventions would be for those different genres.
      ·         Projector
      ·         Power Point of different movie posters

      Lesson 4, 5 & 6 – Editing Movie Poster Project
      Length – 50 minutes (each class)

      Learning Goals
      Learning Tools
      Student will work on taking a movie poster of their choice and editing it so that it demonstrates the codes and conventions of another genre. This will be done with Photoshop.

      Students will gain more practical experience with Photoshop as wells as reaffirming all the techniques the class has covered up until that point in all of the previous lessons.
      ·         Photoshop
      ·         Computers/Laptops
      ·         Movie poster saved as an image
      ·         Internet
      ·         Tutorial Videos

      Movie Poster Assessment Criteria

      Beyond the Level
      At the Level
      Towards the Level
      A Visually appealing movie poster which has been edited to display a different genre.
      Movie poster significantly changed from original with well thought out layout.
      Movie poster is moderately changed from original.
      Movie Poster is slightly changed from original.
      Movie poster is not changed from the original.
      Codes and Conventions are consistent with the genre of the finished poster.
      All the codes and conventions used in the new design fit into the new genre chosen for the poster.
      Some of the codes and conventions used in the design fit into the new genre chosen for the poster.
      Few of the codes and conventions used in the design fit into the new genre chosen for the poster.
      None of the Codes or Conventions fit into the new genre chosen.
      Variety of Photoshop tools used in the design process.

      A variety of tools were used effectively in the design, with every tool used making a large difference to the design.
      A variety of tools were used in the design.
      Few tools were used in the design.
      No Photoshop tools were used in the design.
      Photoshop Layers used appropriately.

      Layers used and correctly named and organised. Layer styles also used.
      Layers used and correctly named and organised.
      Layers used in the design of the poster.
      No Photoshop Layers were used in the design of the poster.


      Media VCE study Guide

      VCE Media Blog

      Huge Archive of beginner Photoshop tutorials

      ·         In particular

      Learning Tutorials I made for this project: