Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ICT Lesson plan

Nathan Coombes

Subject Area:
Year Level:
Period duration:
70 minutes
Melbourne University
Carrum Downs Secondary College

Placement Supervisor:
Timur Bekmouratov
Introduction to the issue of copyright in ICT

VELS Level: 5
Students become more proficient in the use of Internet research tools to locate and download information from a range of sources, and they judge the quality of information, based on set criteria. They conform to accepted codes of practice when using ICT, and discuss the consequences of ICT use in a range of environments and contexts in the community.
Progression Points:
ICT for Communication

  • Location of targeted websites, using general and specialised search engines, and nominated search directories such as BUBL

Teaching Objective:
The objective of this lesson is to introduce copyright to the students using various examples and have the student’s research copyright, to an extent, on their own.

Student Learning Outcome:
After this lesson students will be able to explain what copyright is and why it is important, as well as being able to answer questions about how much you can ‘borrow’ from someone else’s work. They will also be able to explain examples of copyright work if asked.
Materials required:
  • Computer Lab
  • Access to Youtube
  • Projector
  • Whiteboard/Whiteboard markers
Contingency plan:
If Youtube is not able to be accessed or the computers won’t work instead I will use more of the white board to explain Copyright. Then the students can use pen and paper and still try to come up with as many examples of copyright work as they can think of.

Learning processes or techniques
Students’ active?
Introduction: What is copyright?
  • Mind Map of Copyright
10 mins
I will write copyright on the whiteboard and draw a circle around it. I will then ask the students what they think of when they hear the word ‘copyright’. This engages the students and gets their minds thinking from the start of the lesson.
Play copyright video: Simple introduction
  • Pausing throughout to explain the important parts of copyright (how much anyone can ‘borrow’).

10 mins
The video will provide a visual way of explaining the information of copyright rather than having me do all the explaining. This caters for students who learn through differing ways (Gardners Multiple Intelligence theory). I will stop throughout the video to make sure the important points are taken in.
American Pie vs The Saga Begins
  • Play part of the song American Pie by Don Mclean
  • Questions to think of while playing the second song (how are the songs similar, how are they different?)
  • Play part of the song The Saga Begins by Weird Al Yankovic
  • Ask the students what they thought

10 mins
This is a very clear and humorous example of possible copyright. By asking the students specific questions before the playing of the second song it encourages them to think more about it.
Searching Youtube for copyright: In groups of 4 or 5.
  • Students search Youtube for 5 example of work that should have copyright protection
  • Students search Youtube for 5 examples of work that has taken from other copyright work

20 mins
By being able to research for themselves examples of copyright students are given more freedom in their learning. They also have the other members of their group to help them while they explore Youtube. This aids in both their communication skills and their research skills.
Presentation of findings:
·         A very quick summary from each group about what they found and explain why they chose that example.

15 mins
The students will give a quick presentation of what they have found, this gives them further chance to discuss what they have learnt but also gives me the chance to see if they have come to the level that I expected that they should have. I will be able to ask them questions in order to scaffold their learning appropriately.
·         Reviewing the lesson
·         Key points (What copyright is, why it is important)
·         Leave students with the thought about Youtube. (Is it a good thing when there is so much copyright work that you could find on it?)

5 mins
Re-emphasising the lesson to keep it in the students minds as well as a question at the end to keep the thinking going outside of the classroom

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