Thursday, June 16, 2011

Blog Reflection

To extend upon the video I feel that any and all subjects which incorporate ICT (which is quickly becoming most if not all) should be using, or at least keeping the option open, of using a blog as an online learning space. Once you get an active community formed over a blog learning and research take careof themselves. There will be a constant stream of new updates and new posts even if the individual doesnt post every day, or every week for that matter. ICT and Media subjects are obvious choices for blogs (especially for me) but I really feel that every subject could and should make use of this learning tool and try to integrate the technology as much as possible.

 The blog also encourages a more constuctivist approach of learning where the students are encouraged to use the blog and explore ideas through the sharing of posts. In particularly this can be related to Vygotsky's social constructivist ideas. "In a sense we become part of the community, and the community becomes part of us in the sharing of knowledge." (McInerney D.M & McInerney, V. 2006). And although this quote was just talking about social constructivism broadly you can see how it directly relates to the learning involved in a blog.


Walker J & Mortenson T, (2002)  "Blogging thoughts: personal publication as an online research tool", Researching ICTs in Context, Chapter 11.

Blood R, (2000) "Web Blogs: A History and Perspective"  URL:

McInerney D.M & McInerney, V. (2006) Developmental Perspectives on cognition and effective learning (Ch.2). In, Educational Psychology : constructing learning (pp.36-69).   Frenchs Forest, N.S.W. : Pearson Education Australia. 

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