Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mind42 Map

I added to the Mind42 Map an area under video called video tutorials and screen-casts. Screen-casts work particularly well in the ICT classroom as a way to engage students with a topic, allowing them to rewind if they missed something and it also allows students to follow at their own pace. I have made screen-casts for Photoshop and Game Maker and would upload them to the blog (and wiki) soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey mate, loving this mind map stuff, your a trooper!

    Got something on my site that you might like :)

    Log onto my blog here:

    Once there > have a look at my most recent post and download the files, this is part of my first 'make 2 games' assessment that Ted proposed.

    Enjoy man..

    Brendan :)
